International Kazoo Day

Happy International Kazoo Day! Yes, that's the second kazoo day this year. The one in January is National, the one today is International. I've got a little song here for you that will explain why I'm much more likely to celebrate the International version from here on rather than the American-rooted National Kazoo Day. 

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New Guitar!

I know I should be updating you on my FAWM progress - and that will probably come tomorrow. But for now I have bigger news:I GOT A NEW GUITAR! 

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End of week 1 - plus a few more

Week 1 of FAWM is over and my GOODNESS what a week it's been. As of yesterday (Feb 9), I have completed 10 of my 14 tracks. So I'm on pace to make my 14 tracks by next weekend - and could have as many as 28 songs by the time this is done. That's a pretty cool place to be! But I've seen a few people taking the challenge who are over 100 songs already. I followed one guy and my feed is just full of his songs. I wonder if those songs ever become something other than a post on the FAWM website? 

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I'm a FAWMling (apparently)

 After much anticipation, I've dived into my first February Album Writing Month challenge. FAWM is an annual challenge to write and demo an album worth of material (14 songs) in one month (28 days). It sounds like a daunting challenge but an achievable one too. 

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FAWM 2025 (pt 1?)

At long last, January 2025, the longest month in Human history, is coming to an end. And with that comes February and my chance to particiapte in February Album Writing Month (FAWM) for the first time! I've been aware of FAWM for a really long time - like maybe almost as long as it's been around. I've just never had an outlet or reason to participate. Well with the launch of Jeremy and his Kazoo, I now have a reason! The concept of FAWM is pretty simple - write 14 songs (an album worth of material) in 28 days. It's a challenge to be sure and I'm even prepared to fail the challenge. But even a failure is going to leave me with a few more songs to add to my repetoire. I think the biggest challenge for me has been not starting early. I really don't want to fudge this. Can I do it?I'm happy overall with the number of songs I have and the pace I've been writing at since I started doing this. But I recognize that with repetition comes skill. And with the arts, often it's a volume game. You've gotta write 10 songs to get a real banger. So really I'm just hoping for one banger and 13 time fillers. If you're a fellow FAWM participant or want to follow along with my challenge, come check out my profile on FAWM. I'm aiming to post my first song right away on Saturday, frankly hoping I can use the weekend to get a bit of a head start. Will it be good? No. Nothing I do is that good. But it's gonna be fun, it's gonna be challenging and I think - it's gonna be rewarding! 

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A kazoo to you!

Today's blog is special. It's cross-posted on my personal blog, Pilot's World. If you want to read the exact same thing but with a different page design, head on over there! 

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Sticker it up!

Well it seems that Jeremy and his Kazoo is now an official brand - I got my first stickers in the mail last week! 

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New Facebook page!

Wanna hear my soon-to-be holiday classic song, "A Problem"? Well I've launched a brand new Facebook Page and to entice you to head over there and visit, I've published a recording of the song for you to check out. Happy Holidays from Jeremy and from his Kazoo. Thanks for making the holiday season special this year! 

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How about a logo?!

I suppose if we're to have a webpage and some music, the next thing is a logo and such. I'm not gonna lie, I had an AI come up with a few concepts then just reproduced the one I liked the most in Inkscape. I don't think it was very original of either of us but now I have a logo until I'm creative or rich enough to get a new one. 

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