International Kazoo Day

Published on 19 February 2025 at 08:38

Happy International Kazoo Day! Yes, that's the second kazoo day this year. The one in January is National, the one today is International. I've got a little song here for you that will explain why I'm much more likely to celebrate the International version from here on rather than the American-rooted National Kazoo Day. 

Back in early January, I bought a couple of Schiling Krazy Kazoo's from local toy store Zippity Zoom.  The concept behind the Krazy Kazoo is pretty fun, you get a random kazoo each time and you don't know which until you open the box. I was more than a bit disappointed when I got the American one. In fact the first line of the song came to me in the car that day when I opened it. I still whant the checkered "skazoo", the sushi one, the rainbow one (for Pride month) and the camo one for when the US does invade and I gotta lay low in the bush. 

I know I promised a FAWM update yesterday. And that's still coming. Maybe tomorrow but by the end of the week for sure. Things are going very well - I'll share when I've got everything ready.  I also have a couple of guitar updates since I last wrote but they'll wait too. Let's just say that it's not nearly as old as I thought. But it ain't no issue. 



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